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Tenterden Christian Breakfast September 2024
You are invited to join us for Breakfast on Saturday 14th September, Venue: Zion Baptist Church, Time: 8.15 for an 8.30 am start, finish at 10.00.
Enjoy a cooked breakfast, good fellowship and Mike Rose speaking on ‘The Road from Amsterdam: How to Become a Vicar’. Mike is Associate Priest at Bethersden, High Halden & Woodchurch. He was brought up in Hull, joined the Navy at 16 and served for 7 years. Has worked in the NHS, Social Services, been a waiter and a scrap metal crusher!
Please book your place by Friday 6th September at the latest so we can confirm numbers with our caterers; chris@thecheesmans.plus.com.
If by chance you have to cancel your booking, please do so by Thursday 12th September otherwise we will be out of pocket, as we will have to pay the caterer. Cost £10 payable on the day.
More News:
Confession. Fr Behr is available for Confession every Saturday from 10.30 am – 11.00 am. He is also happy to visit those who are not able to come to church.
Children’s Liturgy: Children’s Liturgy at the 10.00 am Mass is on the first Sunday of every month. All children who have not made their First Holy Communion are welcome to attend. The next lesson with Lorraine is on Sunday
Ride & Stride (Friends of Kent Churches): Saturday 14th September 2024, 10.00 am - 6.00 pm. It's that Ride & Stride time of year again!
For plans, pleasse see this weekend details HERE along with other contents of the parish news.
Sat : Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm.
Sun 8 Sep: Mass at 10.00 am followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 12.00 noon.
Mon 9 Sep: Mass at 10.00 am.
Tue 10 Sep: Mass at 10.00 am.
Wed 11 Sep: Service of the Word and Communion at 10.oo am.
Thu 12 Sep: Adoration at 09.00 am to 10.00 am followed by Mass at 10.00 am.
Fri 13 Sep: Mass at 10.00 am followed by Adoration at 10.30 am.
Sat 14 Sep: Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm.
Sun 15 Sep: Mass at 10.00 am followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 12.00 noon.