A Very Warm Welcome to St Andrew’s Catholic Church, Tenterden

“We wish all visitors to this website and to the parish church, every peace and joy. We are a lively, richly diverse and very welcoming parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. We extend pastoral care to those living in and around the Tenterden area, including the rural areas within a 6-mile radius. Please come and join in our celebrations or for some quiet time in the midst of this busy world.”

Fr Behruz Rafat, Parish Priest


Latest Newsletter

February 7, 2025 | 10:40 am
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Father Behr writes:

Dear Parishioners,

Special Weekend Celebration in Thanksgiving for the Ministry of Deacon Jolyon Vickers

To show our appreciation for all Jolyon has done for our parish in his ministry of preaching, his care for the bereaved, the sick and the dying we are hosting two events over the weekend of 12/13 July.

We are also very grateful to Suzanne for all she has done in supporting Jolyon’s ministry in our parish.

On Saturday 12 July there will be a service of thanksgiving at 2pm in our parish church with prayers, readings and hymns.

After the service there will be Afternoon Tea in our parish centre and garden.

All parishioners are invited to attend.

We are also inviting all of Jolyon and Suzanne’s friends to attend. We hope friends from the local community and all our friends from other Christian communities will come and join us in the service and the celebration.

On Sunday 13 July Bishop Paul Hendricks is coming to celebrate our 10am Mass to express the gratitude of the Archbishop and all the diocese for Jolyon’s generous response to the call to the Diaconate. After Mass there will be a parish coffee morning.

I hope to see many parishioners at both celebrations to show our appreciation of Jolyon and to ask God’s blessings for him and Suzanne in his retirement.

Fr Behr


Fr Behr’s Thoughts for the Week