
Fr Behr’s Thoughts for the Week

Father Behr writes:

Dear Parishioners,

On Tuesday we celebrate the feast of Pope St Gregory the Great (540-604).

In 596 Pope St Gregory sent Augustine to England to establish the Catholic faith in this Land. St Augustine landed at Thanet and there was a meeting between Augustine and King Aethelberht in Ramsgate.  King Aethelberht’s wife Queen Bertha was a Christian and due to her influence Augustine was given permission by the King to preach the gospel in Kent and to found an abbey in Canterbury.

I am arranging a day pilgrimage to Ramsgate to visit the shrine of St Augustine, where there is a beautiful church built by Pugin, and there will be a sign up sheet for those who are interested in going.

If you would like to read more about the story please visit this SITE.

Fr Behr

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